Let the Star of Bethlehem illuminate your path to the Holy Child in this era of darkness

Let the Star of Bethlehem illuminate your path to the Holy Child in this era of darkness by Ashley Sadler for Life Site News

It wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that we live in a time of great darkness. Our politicians lie shamelessly and wield tyrannical power, church leaders betray their flocks, and our culture promotes values deeply antagonistic to the Truth that alone can set us free. 

It’s a state of things that can cause us to feel deep uncertainty and even fear – even if the more direct challenges of our own lives aren’t enough to trigger anxiety.

And yet, wasn’t it always so? 

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We know that the Christ Child was born into a time and place fraught with political intrigue, persecution, and danger. In many ways, it was a time not at all dissimilar to our own. 

But in our own time, just as then, we are not doomed to struggle through it alone.

This Christmas, I’m reflecting on the fact that the very same Infant Jesus Who came to us on Christmas Day 2,000 years ago in Bethlehem is with us today. 

I think it’s worthwhile to remember that both then and now, He didn’t come to create a perfect political order, make sure our worldly affairs go smoothly, or even save us from hardship.

He said as much just before His Ascension into Heaven.

“I have told you this so that you might have peace in me,” Christ tells us in John 16:33. “In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.”

This is one of my favorite verses because it reinforces the idea that our peace is not rooted in the things of the world, but in our relationship with Christ Jesus. If we keep close to Him – no matter what happens in our lives, in our country, or in the entire world – we will not lose that peace.


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